Michelle Situ 司徒美笑

2024 miss los angeles chinatown - 1st princess

Born and raised in Lincoln Heights, just steps away from Chinatown, Michelle’s deep connection to her community has shaped who she is today. After graduating from Lincoln High School, she earned her B.A. in Accounting at Cal State Fullerton. The diversity around her sparked a love for food, music, and inclusivity, and she enjoys everything from food adventures to concerts and comedy shows. Above all, Michelle treasures the sisterhood she’s built with her fellow court members, a bond that will last a lifetime.
Michelle joined MLAC to give back to the Chinese community that molded her. “Without this community, I wouldn’t understand my culture, tradition, or heritage. I wouldn’t be who I am today.”Standing alongside CCCLA and MLAC, Michelle is proud to preserve Chinatown’s rich heritage and ensure its legacy continues for future generations.